What will 2021 look like? We just have to find out by living it to the fullest, freeing ourselves from the fears, thoughts, and difficulties of 2020. We had a very special year, so different from what we might have expected a year ago as we toasted to 2020 that was coming. For Ancient Sicopolis, 2020 was to be a year full of projects, ideas already ready to be developed. None of this was possible.
Well: the coming year will necessarily have to be different. We deserve a return to normalcy, we deserve a revenge on what was taken from us in 2020. The coming year will be the year of rebirth for everyone: we will return to dreaming, planning, and investing in ideas with the enthusiasm we always have and the curiosity that is always a harbinger of new knowledge, an invaluable element in our work!
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to:
you CUSTOMERS: for the warmth and affection shown toward us, giving us the strength not to give up and continue to believe in our work;
you SUPPLIERS: for the solidarity shown and mutual respect, indispensable pillars of healthy and fair cooperation;
YOU COLLABORATORS: for the fortitude, patience, passion and determination shown during these months of extreme difficulty. With commitment, support and respect, we have shown that we are a winning team and that “With talent you win games, but it is with teamwork and intelligence that you win championships” (Michael Jordan).
Happy New Year!